Showing posts with label Sanitizing Tunnel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sanitizing Tunnel. Show all posts

Benefits of prefab built homes

Prefabrication is the construction which includes assembling components of a structure in a manufacturing or production site, transporting complete assemblies, or partial assemblies to the site  here the structure is to be located.  It is a combination of good design with modern high-performance components and quality controlled manufacturing procedures. This work is carried out in two stages, manufacturing of components in a place other than final location and their erection in position. The prefab components and prefab structures eliminate space and time over conventional constructions. Prefabricated sections are produced in large quantities in a factory and then shipped to various construction sites. This procedure may allow work to continue despite poor weather conditions and should reduce any waste in time and material at the site.

Some benefits of prefabricated structures are-

  • Saving in cost, material, time & manpower.
  • Shuttering and scaffolding are not necessary.
  • Installation of building services and finishes can be done immediately.
  • Independent of weather conditions.
  • Components produced at close supervision .so quality is good
  • Clean and dry work at it.
  •  Possibility of alterations and reuse
  • Correct shape and dimensions and sharp edges are maintained.
  • Very thin sections can be entirely precast with precision.

With highly driven technical excellence,  Kumar and Associates have been able to offer our clients a well constructed Prefabricated Structure that ensures easy portability and installation. In sync with predefined industry parameters, our offered structure is constructed by our skilled professionals using high strength components and ultra-modern tools and machines. Furthermore, our provided structure is widely used for prefabricated homes, toilets, and many more.


As the cases of corona virus patients are inclining dramatically, the people are turning to public health
facilities to battle the pandemic. The scientists all around the world are working round the clock to find
the vaccine to combat COVID-19. Nevertheless, social distancing for now offers the sole solution to the
rapid transmission. And for the infected individuals isolation and self quarantine is highly advisable.
Quarantine is to separate those individuals who have been exposed to a corona virus patient and have
chances to likely get infected. Whereas, isolation is for the separation of individuals who are either
suspected to have corona virus or have confirmed positive. Therefore, it becomes crucial to have a
valuable insight as to what essentials are indispensable parts of the isolation ward.


Structure and Area

The first and the foremost are to have separate entry and exit co-located with post surgical wards/
dialysis unit/ SNCU/ labour room,etc. It is always better, if the ward is situated in a segregated area
which is not frequently visited by outsiders.

Cleaning and sanitsation

Since regular sanitizing is being emphasized greatly, it is thus, important to have cleanliness and
appropriate waste disposal bins. Preferably, touch free bin should be used and PPEs should be disposed
as the BMWM guidelines. One should ensure that appropriate hand washing facilities and hand hygiene
supplies like hand wash and alcohol base hand rub is available. In addition to the supplies, proper
disinfection of common areas especially, inside the isolation ward is mandatory.


Setting up a telephone or other method of communication in isolation ward is the advisable method so
that a patient can communicate conveniently with health care workers, family members or visitors. This
will eventually curtail the number of times the worker needs to visit the isolation ward. Also, the visitors should have a prior consultation with the health care before visiting the isolation ward.


Adequate room ventilation is paramount. A negative pressure in isolation wards is desirable for patients
requiring aerosolization procedures (intubation, suction nebulisaton). In case of the absence of air
conditioning installation of 3 to 4 exhaust fans can too drive the air out of the room.

Check list for isolation Ward

Eye protection, face shield , gloves, reusable vinyl or rubber gloves for environmental cleaning, latex
single use gloves for clinical care, hair cover, particulate respirators( N95, FFP2, or equivalent), gowns
and aprons, medical (surgical or procedure) masks, collection container for used equipment and other
requisite instruments and equipments for disinfection.

Kumar and associates are an assoiciation management company of skilled professionals whose goal is to provide management, expertise, and specialised administration in a cost effective manner. The isolation wards constructed by kumar and associates are built keeping in mind the product and user application conditions as the primary requisite. Since, great emphasis is laid on the integration process, Kumar and associates make certain that expertise solution catering the customer need is conveniently accessible.


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